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Types of operating system

Hello everyone's 
   In this post, Will you learn here. Types of operating systems and Introduction. I hope that you understand very easily here.

Types of operating system (OS)

  • Batch operating system
  • Time-sharing 
  • Read time operating system
  • Multi-programming operating system
  • Multi-processing operating system
  • network operating system
  • Distributed operating system
  • Embedded operating system

Batch Operating system 

    In the operating system, the batch is generated by "Collecting types" of tasks. The batch operating system introduces multiple batches for a dissimilar set of tasks and each batch is being excited consumedly. 

Realtime operating system ( RTOS )

    The Realtime operating system is used for the execution of tasks. Response time is to error. this operating system is basically used in scientific research. we another fere casting sold little controlling etc. 

Time-sharing Operating system

    In the Multi-user system, there are different user are connected to a system to execute different request wherein the time-sharing system then time slot is declared for the processing request of different users of time. there the operating system switch forms a user to another the time slot is less than a second. 

Multi-programming operating system

    The multi-programming operating system is used to control and monitors multiple processers having a system. Their processors are executing the request at a time.   

Network operating system

        The network operating system is a contested operating system. It is used to control and monitor the network having computers also have a stand-alone system. however, the network operating system is available in the contused system to achieve controlling and monitor during the achieve rent of the objective of the network.
Example:- Microsoft windows server 2003, 2008, UNIX, Linux, macOS. 

Distributed operating system

    The operating system, that is controlled. which is distributed among multiple terminals to achieve maximization in CPU utilization. There the single operating system is available responsible to achieve the execution of requests from terminate.
    The Unix operating systems is one of the distributed operating systems may be distributed among multiple terminals. 

Embedded operating system

 There are different devices where are controlled through an embedded operating system that is platform dependent. the embed operating system is developed for specifier devices only.   

Solo Gyan

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