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Characteristics of Computers

Characteristics of computer, features of computer

Characteristics of Computers 
The five characteristics of computers which have made them very useful are:
  1. Speed
  2. Automatic 
  3. Accuracy
  4. Versatility
  5. Reliability
  6. Power of Remembering
  7. Diligence
  8. Storage capacity 


    A computer is a very fast device. It can perform, in a few seconds, the amount of work that a human being can do in an entire year working round the clock. The speed of a computer is usually 2 to 4 GHz. A powerful computer is capable of performing about 10 to 40 million arithmetic calculations in a second. 


    The computer does its work automatically. Once the programmer/ we install the data or program inside the computer. And the work that is done by the computer. The computer does the work without any help, such as watching videos or Movies. 
    But computers can't be called fully automatic machines. Because the user has to talk to the computer to work, then the computer works.
    Like - open Microsoft word to the windows button and search Microsoft word and Click on Microsoft word then it open. 


    The accuracy of a computer is consistently high and the degree of accuracy of a particular computer depends upon its design, But for a particular computer, each and every calculation is performed with the same accuracy. For example, the computer accurately gives the result of the division of any number up to 10 decimal points.


    Versatility is one of the most wonderful things about comper, Multi-processing features of computers make it quite versatile in nature. One moment, it is preparing the results of a particular examination, the next moment it is busy preparing electricity bills, and in between, it may be helping an office secretary to trace an important letter in seconds. 


    Computers provide very high speed accompanied by a equality high level for reliability. Thus computers never make mistakes of their own accord. 

Power of Remembering:-

    A computer can store and recall any amount of information because of its secondary storage capability. Even after several years, the information recalled will be as accurate as on the day when it was fed to the computer.


    The Computer is a machine, does not suffer from the human traits of tiredness, nor does it loses concentration even after working continuously for a long time. This characteristic is especially useful for those jobs where the same tasks are done again and again It can perform long and complex calculations with the same speed and accuracy from the start till the end.    

Storage Capacity:- 

    The computer has a lot of storage devices that can store a tremendous amount of data. Data storage is essential to the function of the computer. Second storage devices like floppy disk can store a large amount of data permanently.   


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