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Goal of operating system.


The goal of the operating system.
       the operating system is available in different versions day today. There is the main goal of introducing there operating system are. 

1. Maximum CPU utilization:- 
     The processing unit has been introduced with the capability of the speed of the execution of the task. There was the operating system must be available to achieve the maximum utilization of the CPU strong. 

2. Efficient use of Hardware:- 
     The system is defined as the integration of multiple hardware that may be identified as interdependent or independent to achieve the control objective. These must require to use hardware with efficient manners. 

    There are different examples of operating systems available in the markets. 
  • MS-DOS ( DOS)
  • Windows ( Windows XP, 7, 8.1 & 10) 
  • Macintosh Operating system ( Mac - OS)
  • Unix operating system
  • Linux 

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